Sunday, July 11, 2010

Initial Post-Op Appointment

WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 2010 4:40 PM, MST
I had an amazing post-op appointment today with Dr. Iva Smolens, my cardiothoracic surgeon. A few of you have met her, and I know you agree with me that she is a dynamo! I am so grateful to Nancy for initially putting the two of us in touch the evening of Wednesday, April 28. That evening, I had finished a trail run at South Mtn, became increasingly symptomatic, and called Nancy. She knew that my regular cardiologist, Dr. Heuser was out-of-the-country, so she immediately called Dr. Smolens, who told Nancy to have me call her on her cell phone that evening. I was so touched by Dr. Smolens' interest and willingness to talk to me at the drop of a hat and subsequently recommend some cardiologists for a second opinion. After that, Dr. Smolens and I talked once or twice more in the evening before I ever had an in-office consult with her. That sidebar speaks volumes to Dr. Smolens' dedication to treating heart disease in women. 

Getting back on, Dr. Smolens said she wants me to continue to increase the distance of my walks but was adamant that lifting is off-limits for three months to give the breast bone the proper time to heal. Here's a piece of news for those of you who are wine enthusiasts: although Dr. Smolens said she isn't necessarily advocating drinking, she gave me the green flag to have a glass of RED wine a night. Mind you, I didn't ask her how many ounces constitutes a glass.....I will see Dr. Smolens in another month, and in the meantime, transition my routine heart check-ups back to Dr. Heuser. 

If anyone is ever up for a guarantee on pace nor distance but a glass of red wine as a recovery drink is optional....I'd be more than happy to have the company. At least for me, doctor's orders on both counts! 

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